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Governance, Management & Quality

Corporate Governance

High ethical standards and an unconditional commitment to compliance apply in the entire Syntegon Group with its more than 39 companies and  locations in nearly 20 countries worldwide. Compliance with all laws and regulations in all business actions and contracts is a top priority – both for the executive board and for all our 6,300 employees.

Syntegon is organized into the divisions Food and Pharma, which include a total of seven business units. In all areas of our business activity, we pursue a high standard of quality. We continuously improve our processes, adopt common management systems, and are certified by independent third parties.

Executive Board


Torsten Türling

Chief Executive Officer

Torsten Türling is chief executive officer (CEO) of the Syntegon Group and chairman of the executive board of Syntegon Technology GmbH.

Torsten Türling holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Saarbrücken and a Master of Management from EM Lyon Business School in Lyon. Torsten Türling has over 30 years of international management and sales expertise. Before joining Syntegon in 2023, he served as CEO of Nilfisk, a leading global supplier of professional cleaning equipment. Previously, he was CEO of Ideal Standard International, after holding various management positions at Linde AG including managing director of Linde Refrigeration.


Dr. Peter Hackel

Chief Financial Officer

Dr. Peter Hackel is chief financial officer (CFO) of the Syntegon Group and a member of the executive board of Syntegon Technology GmbH.

Peter Hackel studied Business Administration at the University of Hagen, Germany, and holds a PhD degree in Molecular Biology from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland. He started his career with McKinsey & Company Inc. followed by Geistlich Pharma AG and Oerlikon Corporation AG. Before joining Syntegon, Peter Hackel has worked for Straumann Holding AG, as Group Chief Financial Officer and member of the Group Executive Management Board since 2014. 


Johan Nilsson

Chief Service Officer

Johan Nilsson is chief service officer (CSO) of the Syntegon Group and a member of the board of directors of the Swiss group company Syntegon Technology Services AG.

Nilsson studied engineering at the Polhemskolan in Lund, Sweden. From 2002 to 2004 he completed an Executive Master of Business Administration at the Executive Foundation Lund. He started his professional career in 1987 as a trainee at Tetra Pak and was promoted to Head of Services in 2012. From 2018 Nilsson was Head of Service & Industry 4.0 Solutions at Tetra Pak before joining Syntegon in September 2020.


Legality and integrity are top priorities at Syntegon – globally. This standard accounts for ourselves – employees, managers and executive board – and for our customers, business partners and all other stakeholders of the company.

Our code of conduct summarizes the essential aspects of our guidelines and instructions for our activities. It serves as a guideline for our conduct in day-to-day business. All our employees must be familiar with it and live by it in their daily working environment.

Compliance management system

Syntegon has a global compliance management system in place. Our compliance organization consists of a compliance committee, which reports to the executive board and to the supervisory board, and of compliance officers in the different regions.

Our compliance management system also includes a whistleblower hotline. Employees, business partners, and third parties can report irregular conduct at any time and anonymously, if desired. Syntegon will immediately pursue indications of possible violations through internal investigations. If a suspicion is substantiated, we will initiate appropriate measures.

Since responsible and lawful conduct is important to us beyond our corporate boundaries, we have introduced our code of conduct for business partners. It sets out the major requirements and principles for cooperation.


Code of Conduct for Business Partners
Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners summarizes the major requirements and principles for our cooperation.
Code of Conduct
Our code of conduct summarizes the essential aspects of our guidelines and instructions for our activities.
Modern Slavery act
Syntegon acknowledges responsibility to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and ensures transparency.

Report irregular conduct

You can report irregular conduct – compliance cases, data security violations and potential infringements of human rights or environmental interests in the supply chain – at any time and anonymously, if desired. Syntegon acknowledges the receipt of such reports within seven (7) days upon receipt latest and keeps them confidential. No whistleblower will suffer any disadvantage because of reports made in good faith. This also applies when a report turns out to be unjustified. Syntegon will immediately pursue indications of possible violations through internal investigations.

Your career


Our quality policy is based on our company values of reliability, passion, fairness, and future orientation. It forms the basis for enthusiastic customers and our corporate success.

Syntegon has been using the ISO 9001 quality management system since 1994. Independent third parties check this at regular intervals, conduct audits and confirm our effective application of the standard with corresponding certificates.

We are continuously working on the sustainable optimization of processes and product quality to meet the increasing requirements. In 2021, we decided to have our management system certified according to ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety management).


Download certificate DIN EN ISO 9001:2015




