Service Agreements
容器完全性の欠陥は人間の目には見えませんが、発見されずに放置されると、医薬品の有効性と保存期間に大きな影響を与えます。医薬品と患者の安全性をより高い水準で確保していくために、注射剤の容器完全性試験(CCIT: Container Closure Integrity Testing)に対する世界的ニーズは高く、日米欧の三薬局方も国際調和を目指しています。このようなトレンドにおいて、当社は、非破壊かつ迅速で100%全数検査に対応し、一時的リークも恒久的なリークも検出するソリューションを提要します。
With the KLD series, Syntegon continues its long history as a leading manufacturer of leak detection machines (dating back to the mid 80s!). The latest generation features even more precise measurement, data acquisition and recipe setup tools, gentle container transport and outstanding ease of handling and maintenance. The fast and reliable technology used in the KLD series ensures 100 % container closure integrity testing (CCIT) by applying high AC voltages (up to 30 kV) and detecting leaks by elevated current responses.
Visual and CCIT inspection methods are increasingly used in a complementary manner to achieve even higher product quality, encouraged e.g. by the new EU GMP Annex 1 (Draft 2020). Syntegon offers machine platforms that combine both quality safeguards in one machine: the AIM 3000 series, the AIM 296 plus series and the DIR syringe inspection line.
Syntegon supports you in selecting the appropriate testing method individually for each drug product and container type. A thorough understanding of the application is paramount: What is the maximum allowable leak limit (MALL)? How is the leakage behavior related to storage conditions and other process parameters? What are the drug product properties, like conductivity or oxygen sensitivity? We are happy to consult you to find the perfect match - assisted by sample test studies where needed.
Customers from around the globe rely on our Container Closure Integrity testing expertise.
We have supported some of the most renowned industry players in boosting their efficiency, expanding operations or upgrading their equipment to meet latest manufacturing standards.
“We were able to systematically identify and adapt crucial sections within our filling and sealing processes, to make them more stable and reduce the number of unnecessary rejects even further. In fact, our performance is increasing from week to week.”
- Philippe Truelle, CEO of CDM Lavoisier
CDM Lavoisier decided to change their inspection processes for no less than 30 products in four different packaging formats. They are now all inspected on the vision+CCIT machine AIM 3311 from Syntegon.
We are proud to support the fight against Covid-19 together with our partners, some of the biggest contract manufacturers and multinational pharma companies worldwide.
The Covid-19 pandemic is challenging manufacturers of medicines: They have to respond fast to changing demands and supply key medicines across borders. Simultaneously, the preparation for new vaccines and therapeutics is ongoing. We are keeping up with our mission!
Laser-based Headspace Analysis Machine
High voltage leak detection machine
2024年10月に東京と大阪で行われたファーマシンポジウムにて改訂Annex 1の要件と注射剤製造の多様なニーズに応えるため、充填設備や容器完全性試験を自動検査装置へ取り込んだ実質的な技術を紹介
「持続可能性、効率性、デジタル化、安全性、柔軟性」は、産業における重要なトレンドです。 私たちは自社の技術やノウハウを活用して、これらの課題に対する解決策を開発し、未来の製造業を形作っています。